Introducing Caldera Publishing Solutions

Today, I'm pleased to announce Caldera Publishing Solutions, a new consulting firm in academic, scholarly, and scientific publishing designed to help non-profit and for-profit publishers gain market advantages and develop sound long-term strategies designed for growth and differentiation.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Kent Anderson. I'm a past-President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), former Publisher at AAAS/Science, and former Publishing Director at the New England Journal of Medicine. I've had many roles in scholarly publishing, including serving as a CEO (STRIATUS/JBJS), Board member (SSP), strategic advisor (many different organizations), Managing Editor (American Academy of Pediatrics), and blog writer and editor (Scholarly Kitchen).

For me, Caldera represents an exciting culmination of experience. I hope I can bring what I've learned over the years -- formal training, empirical experience, and general "how to" techniques -- to a broader array of organizations. My forte involves rapidly and accurately assessing a situation, then delivering a framework for future growth and success. Scholarly and scientific publishing is more complex and challenging than ever, and new strategies within and around it abound. I can help you make sense of them in a way that's appropriate to your customer and market context.

Caldera is founded with your growth and success in mind. The main image of a caldera is a large spot of tremendous, untapped power and energy, which can last for eons if vented properly. My goal is to help organizations find the best way to tap into the hidden power of their market position, communities, talent, resources, and product offerings.

To get started, please email Caldera at